Easy Peasy College

Easy Peasy College

Going to college is a big deal, a major transition in your life, and expensive. Learn how to make it easy peasy.

Easy Peasy Studying

Easy Peasy Studying

Studying is your main job when you're in school, but nobody really explains how to do it. Until now...

Easy Peasy Note Taking

Easy Peasy Note Taking

No need to underline every word in the book or write down everything the professor says. Learn the easy peasy way to take notes and graduate.

Easy Peasy Organization

Easy Peasy Organization

Some people are organized. Some people are not. If you like being organized, here are some easy peasy ideas for accomplishing that.

Easy Peasy Social Life

Easy Peasy Social Life

You don't really need a social life to succeed in school, but it makes things a lot more fun, and it's not that hard - it's easy peasy to make friends and enjoy yourself.
